Knozen 4.0 moved the application out of the App Store and onto the web. I re-designed the product to be a responsive website that offered users a personality profile if they answered 20 questions. Users could see how well their charts matched with friends, and use custom emotion stickers to track their moods. The goal was for Knozen Web to be a destination for our young audience to show showcase and express their personality/ emotions online.
I used Sketch and Zeplin for the design and asset preparation, and Invision for prototyping the initial quiz flow. I used Flash/ Quicktime for the marketing videos.

Knozen was re-designed for the web in order to streamline and simplify the product, and re-direct its focus on the individual and their singular experience, as opposed to friend/ group activites. For our young, mostly female audience, Knozen tries to be a place for expression, investment, and authenticity around the concept of feelings/ personality.

I designed the initial experience for anonymous users, which are new users visiting and who have not yet signed up for a Knozen profile. Based on their answers to 20 curated questions, a user's personality chart updates in real time. On completionthey are prompted to save their results and get the benfefits of a Knozen profile by loggin in with Facebook.

A sample of product loop and initial wireframes. I outlined functionality, use of color, module heirarchy, and more.

User profile and friend profile views. Features beyond the basic chart, quiz, and header were designed and built as separate "modules", allowing for each to function as a seperate entity and data point for the user to explore. New features would debut at the top of the module stack and then be re-ordered based on performace.
2 promotional videos run on Facebook and Instagram to advertise new feature releases.

For the "Feelings" feature, I designed 72 emoji-like icons inspired by Anime and Manga to appeal to our user base. Users have free reign to change and update their emotional status on their profile.