Knozen v2.0-2.9 was an iOS mobile app where users answered quiz questions about their friends via asynchronous play. The answers would then feed into a personality profile where we showed compatibility, most similar friends, and other fun facts. We sunset the app and removed it from the App Store in late 2015 as the product shifted to mobile web.
As sole designer I was responsible for the concept and design of the asynchronous game flow, features allowing for user-generated content, information hierarchy and placement within the navigation. I also designed the look and feel, interactions, and animations.

Basic screens showing Splash, Home Screen, Game Screen, Question Submission, Friends Tab, and Profile.

Screens showing the basic appearance and flows for the apps top navigation.

Knozen attempted to capture as many intial users as possible by offering three separate login options...Facebook, Email, and Phone number. This shows the intial carousel / info screens when opening the app, and a sample onbaording flow for login with phone number and notifications permission.

Illustrations for Compatibility feature. Users would be assigned 6 cards based on their compatibility with another user.

Visual diagram experiements I made as a way to systemize a pair of user's triats and how they could display as compatibility. The bottom right 3 x 3 grid became the final matrix used for the feature. Its determines which compatibility cards would be displayed based on triat score comparisons.